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What is the difference between Paid, Free, and Unpaid transactions in Shop?


Paid transactions were successfully processed with the payment gateway. These transactions will have a Transaction Id which has been provided to Soapbox by your payment processor, if paid on-site via credit card, or by PayPal, if completed off-site directly with PayPal. The transaction Id is recorded in the Soapbox order table.

Free transactions did not require payment.

Unpaid transactions can be of two types. The first are those with a payment type of Invoice. For these, payment must be collected offline from the purchaser.

The second are those with a payment type of PayPal. These were initiated with Soapbox by a visitor submitting a Shop Store. Soapbox then sent the user off-site for final payment processing with PayPal but Soapbox has not received notification of successful completion of payment. This is typically due to abandonment of the process by the visitor once leaving Soapbox. These transactions have no Transaction Id because there was no transaction that occurred and no money that transferred from the would-be purchaser to your organization.

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