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View and search order data in the Shop app


You can view and search data for orders made through the Shop app. Information is available for all orders made through the Shop app on or after January 1, 2018.

To view and search data, click Shop in the main menu of your administrator and then click the Orders icon. Once viewing the Orders table:

  • To sort data by a given column, click the column heading or choose the desired option from the Sort By drop down
  • To search orders by name or email of the orderer, enter the string to be searched in the Search by Orderer Name or Email field and click enter or mouse out of the field
  • For advanced search options, click the filter icon to expand the filter pane contained the following parameters:
    • Order Date: Search All Orders, Today's Orders, This Month's Orders or enter in a specific date range to zero in on exactly the time frame in which you're interested
    • Soapbox Order Id: Search for a specific Soapbox Order Id
    • Order Amount: Search for orders of an exact amount, up to a maximum, above a minimum, or between two values 
    • Paid Status: Search for All Statuses, Paid, Free, or Unpaid orders
    • Transaction Id: Search for a specific Transaction Id or for all orders without a Transaction Id
    • Shop Store: Search for orders processed through a store. Just start typing the name of the store and Soapbox will help you auto-complete the name you're after.
    • Transaction Description: Enter a text string to find a transaction description you're seeking
    • Salesforce Lead Record Id: Search for a specific Salesforce Lead Record Id or for all orders without a Salesforce Lead Record Id
    • Id: Search for a specific Soapbox Id
  • To restore the defaults for the filter pane, click the Clear All link at the bottom of the form and click Save

To view complete detail for an order, click the hyperlink in the Name column to view the order detail.

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