Boost recurring donations this giving season with the new upsell prompt!Learn How >>

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Enhancements, Default Donation Values, and More in Recent Releases



With a string of recent Soapbox releases, we've added two significant new features to the Donations app as well as a number of other enhancements across various elements of the platform.

Now, those with our peer-to-peer fundraising add on for the Donations app can display individual fundraising pages in a card format on the primary campaign page, show progress for each page toward its goal on the card, and allow front-end users to search for a given fundraising page.

In addition, all Donations app users can define the default payment amount for a Donation page and then choose to customize that default amount through a URL parameter to facilitate personalized fundraising appeals.

Here's a breakdown of these and other updates:

Donations app

  • Added option for displaying fundraising pages associated with a given peer-to-peer campaign as tiles on the main campaign page. Learn more >>
  • Added ability for an administrator to sort the fundraising page tiles by one of a number of options
  • Added ability for a front-end user to search for a fundraising page
  • Added ability for an administrator to set a default amount to be selected on the initial loading of a donation form by a front end user. Learn more >>
  • Added ability to set a default amount to be selected on the initial loading of a donation form by a front end user through a URL parameter. Learn more >>
  • Improved administrator user experience for 360MatchPro integration for greater clarity and ease of use

Soapbox administrator

  • Added redirect to the original URL after successful login to the administrator rather than sending the user to the administrator home page
  • Improved administrator user experience when switching from the current Soapbox administrator template to the new template to facilitate the admin beta testing process

User Integration

  • Resolved an issue that prevented front-end web user accounts from having their associated Contact's Last Login field updated with their most recent Soapbox login date

Happy Soapboxing!

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