The following should be done manually after installing the Soapbox Forms for Salesforce managed package and Soapbox Forms QuickStart for Salesforce unmanaged package:
1. Confirm Lead Status picklist options
In Salesforce Lightning, access the Lead Status field by going to Setup > Object Manager > Lead, clicking Fields & Relationships in the left column, and clicking Lead Status
In Salesforce Classic, access the Lead Status field by going to Setup > Customize > Leads > Fields and clicking on Lead Status.
Confirm that the following picklist values exist for the field named Lead Status by clicking on the field label and scrolling to the section titled Lead Status Picklist Values. If not, add them by clicking the New button in the Lead Status Picklist Values header and then check the box next to that lead process to associate them with that lead process.
- Open - Not Contacted
- Working - Contacted
- Closed - Converted
- Closed - Not Converted
2. Confirm that the Lead Status picklist option “Closed - Converted” is checked as a “Converted” status
In addition, confirm that the value “Closed - Converted” is checked as a “Converted” status. If it is not, click Edit, check Converted, and Save. If you’re unable to save “Converted” status checkbox (i.e. the page simply refreshes when you try to save it), go to Setup > Customize > Leads > Lead Processes, click on “Soapbox Submit”, and then ensure that a status with “(Converted)” in it is in the Selected Values column and that the Default option is set to “Open - Not Contacted”.