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Enhancements to Directories search form and record edit features


In addition to the recent updates to Directories that allow for tracking of logged in user Directory page views as well as support for Salesforce geocoding with the zip radius search, we've made a number of other improvements to the app that enhance the search form and record edit features.

Allowing front end visitors to identify a range when searching a date field

If you have a Directories page which includes a date field from Salesforce that front end visitors can use to search, you can choose to provide the ability for them to search on a range rather than a single date. Learn more >>

Displaying a Salesforce text field to a visitor as checkboxes, a picklist, or a multi-select picklist in a Directories Search Form

If you have a Directories page which includes a text field from Salesforce that front end visitors can use to search, you can elect to define a set of distinct values to be searched on by the visitor by rendering the field as checkboxes, a picklist, or a multi-select picklist. Learn more >>

Allowing quick edit access of Directory records from a related list

For any Directory that includes a related list that is displayed in a table format, an admin can grant quick edit access to the records in the table so that a visitor is sent directly to the edit view of the record from the table. When this feature is enabled, an edit button will appear in the far right column of the table for each record. Learn more >>

Happy Soapboxing!

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