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Soapbox 2.10.457 Release Notes - Released 9/19/2019


Release date: 9/19/2019
Soapbox 2.10.457 included the following features and fixes:

Events app

  • Updated the Events > Searches feature to allow an administrator to choose to load the results of the Search Classes view progressively with the infinite scroll technique instead of all at once to better manage larger datasets
  • Added a parameter to Events > Searches that allows the administrator to select whether the loading a results for the Search Classes view using the infinite scroll technique should add records automatically when the visitor scrolls to the bottom of the screen or present the user with a Show More button that they need to click to reveal more results
  • Added a parameter to Events > Searches that allows the administrator to define the number of results to display on initial load and that are added progressively if the infinite scroll option is being used
  • Allowed the administrator to define the text of the Show More button for the infinite scroll option
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