Soapbox grants you visibility into the status of any Salesforce Lead record or records it has created for a Reservation. This status presents the real-time current details for a Lead and its relevant Account, Contact, and Opportunity records, if applicable. Viewing this can be helpful in troubleshooting issues related to the saving of data to Salesforce.
To view the status of a Salesforce Lead record created by Soapbox for a Transaction:
- Go to the Events Manager in the Event app
- Click the Reservations tab
- Locate the specific reservation for the specific event you are interested in viewing. To aid in this, you can click the column headings to sort by a given column. You may also use the Filter field to search by First Name, Last Name, Email, Soapbox Order Id, Transaction Id or Salesforce Lead Record Id.
- In the Name column, click the hyperlinked name of the registrant to open the Reservation detail view
- Scroll down to the Salesforce Information section
- In this section, you will see the following for the Lead representing the reservation and, if applicable, the Lead representing the optional donation, if included with the reservation:
- Lead Record Id, if a Lead was successfully created
- Lead Record Status as Converted, Not Converted or Deleted
- Whether the Lead is flagged for match review, if it is not converted
- Date Converted, if the Lead was converted
- Converted Contact Id / Name, if the Lead was converted
- Converted Account Id / Name, if the Lead was converted
- Converted Opportunity Id / Name, if the Lead was converted