Boost recurring donations this giving season with the new upsell prompt!Learn How >>

Embedding a Donation page into a Microsoft Teams meeting


With the Donations app, you are able to embed a Donation page into a Microsoft Teams meeting, allowing for attendees to donate to your organization without leaving the Microsoft Teams meeting experience.

To implement this, you will need to install the Soapbox Engage app into your Microsoft Teams Meeting. For assistance with this, please submit a support ticket.

To access the Microsoft Teams embed URL and customize the thank you message for a give Donation page:

  • Open the Donation page you wish to embed
  • Click the Integration tab
  • Scroll down to the Donation Page Widget section
  • For Microsoft Teams Embed URL, copy the code provided and save it in a convenience place
  • For Thank you Page Title, enter the text you wish to display as the title of the thank you message for donors in Teams
  • For Thank you Page Text, enter the text you wish to display as the text of the thank you message for donors in Teams
  • Click Save

To add the Soapbox Engage app to a meeting in Teams:

  • Edit your Meeting in the calendar view in Microsoft Teams
  • Click the Add a Tab + sign to the right of the Meeting tabs
  • In the popup, search for and select the Soapbox Engage app
  • For Microsoft Teams Embed URL, enter the URL you copied from the Donation page
  • For Approve URL for Publishing in Teams, tick the box
  • Click Save

In the meeting experience, users will be able to click the Soapbox Engage tab to open a right-hand panel with the embedded Donation page.

Understanding what portions of the Donate page will be displayed on the parent page

The Donation page will render only the main page content and not include the header or footer of the Soapbox site.

Understanding what is not currently supported in the Microsoft Teams embedded Donation page

Currently, the following elements are not supported in the Microsoft Teams embedded Donation page:

  1. Sites using Stripe as its payment processor
  2. Sites using Braintree hosted fields option as its payment processor. NOTE: Not all sites using Braintree use the hosted fields option. If you are uncertain if your site does, feel free to open a ticket!
  3. Custom Salesforce fields in the Contact Information section of a Donation page
  4. Annual recurring donations. Only one-time and monthly recurring donations are supported at this time.
  5. Default donation amount values set for Donation page in the administrator are not supported at this time
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