The shopping cart feature of the Shop app allows visitors to navigate to various Shop app pages, add products of their choice to a shopping cart that persists throughout their entire session, and then checkout to purchase all of the products in their cart. In the past, on the checkout page, administrators have only been able to choose from pre-existing fields (First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Phone, Organization) to gather contact information.
Thanks to this update, administrators can now add custom fields. This can be done in the Configuration view under Custom Salesforce Fields section. For example, a membership organization may want to know the Member ID of a person purchasing an item from their shop. Or, if an organization wants to collect marketing data, they can include a field that asks “How did you hear about us?”
Additionally, this update allows an administrator to set a list of user-defined session variables to use as default custom field values. Returning to the Member ID example, if an organization sends out a mass email, they can include personalized link for each member ( This Member ID can then automatically populate the Member ID field when the person reaches the checkout page. This field can also be be visible and editable to the visitor or hidden.
Adds support for custom fields in the Shop app shopping cart.
Allows an administrator to set a list of user-defined session variables to use as default custom field values.
How-To Articles
- Add custom fields from Salesforce to Contact Information section of the Shop shopping cart
- Reorder Custom Salesforce Fields and text elements on Shop shopping cart form