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Prepopulate Fields Using User-Defined Session Variables in the Forms app


Need to send a survey? Have members update their contact information? Receive volunteer applications? Get updated billing information? If so, the Soapbox Engage Forms app can do all that and more! Thanks to this update, administrators can now prepopulate Form fields using user-defined session variables. These variables can be used whether the Forms app page is creating a new record in Salesforce or being used in conjunction with the Directories app to edit an existing Salesforce record.

For example, if an organization sends out a mass email, they can include a personalized link for each individual that includes their Member ID, in a format like The member ID can then automatically populate the Member ID field on the Form. This field can also be be visible and editable to the visitor, or even hidden for tracking behind-the-scenes data.


  1. Administrators can prepopulate Form fields using user-defined session variables.

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