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Sending order confirmation emails to payees and staff for orders in the Shop app shopping cart


With the Shop app, you have the ability to send confirmation emails to orderers when they place their order through the shopping cart experience. You also have the ability to CC or BCC staff on the confirmation emails.

To set the confirmation email for the shopping cart experience in the Shop app:

  • Open the Configuration for the Shop app
  • Click the Shopping Cart tab
  • Scroll down to the Confirmation Email section of the page
  • For Send Email to User, choose Yes or No
  • Edit the default values as you wish for the From and Rely-To email fields. For guidance, review this article.
  • For Send Copy (CC), enter a comma separated list of email addresses who you wish to receive a carbon copy of the email
  • For Send Blind Copy (CC), enter a comma separated list of email addresses who you wish to receive a blind carbon copy of the email
  • For Email Subject, enter the subject line of this email, if you wish to create a custom email for the shopping cart. You can include variables discussed in the following bullet as well except for the {products} variable.
  • For Email Template, choose Standard or Custom. For more details on the difference, review Understanding the Standard email template in the Shop app shopping cart.
  • If you have selected Standard for the Email Template parameter:
    • For Orderer Message Header, enter the header text to appear at the top of the email.
    • For Orderer Message, enter the body text to appear at the top of the email under the Orderer Message Header.
  • If you have selected Custom for the Email Template parameter:
    • For Email Text, use the editor to enter the text you wish to appear in the body of the email. You can include images and other elements that will appear if the recipient's email service accepts HTML-formatted emails. You can also include the following variables in curly brackets that reference details of their payment:
      • {name}: The First Name and Last Name of the orderer, as provided in the Contact Information section of the order form
      • {amount}: The dollar amount of the order. This includes only the raw number and not the dollar sign. If you wish to display the dollar sign, enter it before the variable like this: ${amount}
      • {description}: The Transaction Description entered in the Payment section of the Shop > Configuration > Shopping Cart tab.
      • {products}: A list of the quantity, product name, and line item total for all products purchased. The structure for this table mimics that of the Order Summary at the bottom of the order form. It does not include the total order dollar amount. This is contained in the {amount} variable noted above.
  • Click Save

NOTE: If you have Salesforce integration enabled, you may wish to set Send Email to No and create a workflow within Salesforce that sends the confirmation email to the orderer.



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