Creating and editing Petitions
- Customizing From Email Name, From Email Address, Reply-To Name and Rely-To Email for Petitions app admin confirmation emails
- Customizing From Email Name, From Email Address, Reply-To Name and Rely-To Email for Petitions app confirmation emails
- Hide Salesforce errors on the thank you page for a Petition
- Customizing the submit button text for a Petition
- Customizing placeholder text for the standard fields of a Petition
- Prepopulating Custom Salesforce Fields on a Petition with data from the logged in user's Salesforce Contact record
- Reordering Custom Salesforce Fields on a Petition
- Adding custom fields from Salesforce to a Petition
- Embedding a Petitions app page on another website
- Show or hide details in Supporter section of a Petition
- How Do I Center The Header Image of my Petition?
- Viewing and managing Petitions pages in the administrator