If you'd like to create user account for a new staff member or web manager in the Administrator backend of your website:
- Login to the Administrator with your own admin login
- Go to the User Manager
- Click the New button on the upper right hand corner
- For First Name, enter the first name of the user
- For Last Name, enter the last name of the user
- For Username, enter the username the individual will us to login to the administrator
- For E-mail, enter the email address of the user
- For Password, enter the password you wish them to have to start. They can change this once they login if they wish.
- For Verify Password, re-enter the password
- For Group, select either Public Back-end > Manager or Public Back-end > Administrator. Users in the Administrator group will have the ability to add, edit, and disable users, though only Account Owners can disable another Administrator user. Managers do not have the ability to add, edit, or disable other users.
- If you have the Events app and you wish to allow this user to create and edit events by not publish them, untick the Manager Event Publishing checkbox in the Administrator Permissions section
- Click Save
TIP: Once you click Save, an email notifying the individual of their username along with a link to reset their password will be sent from the system to the email you have specified for them.