Using the User Manager
- Customizing portal user registration confirmation email
- Viewing and managing Users in the administrator
- Adding a new user
- Configuring Email Single Sign-on by Email (Login by Email) functionality
- Overview of User Groups
- What is the meaning behind the different user levels when setting access in the Soapbox User Manager?
- Setting the Group for users accessing the front-end of your website
- Creating custom front-end User Groups
- Logging in as a front-end user from the administrator
- Setting the Redirect After Login URL for administrators logging in as front-end portal users
- Will the Last Visit Date be updated when an administrator logs in as a front-end user?
- Enabling or disabling reCAPTCHA for your web user registration forms
- Customizing the avatar for a user in the User Manager
- Customizing the activation message when users click the activation link
- Understanding Account Owner privileges for administrators
- Disabling an administrator user account
- Setting an Administrator account to Receive System Emails
- Managing user admin permissions for Event publishing
- New Soapbox web user account welcome emails and passwords
- Change Your Name for Your Administrator Account
- Recover an administrator password
- Change Your Password