If your site has Salesforce integration enabled to connect it to your Salesforce instance, you can enable "In Honor" and "In Memory" of Dedications by visitors. If either or both is enabled, a checkbox will appear to visitors just above the payment form allowing them to identify this as a dedication.
Once the box is checked, the form will expand to include the "In Honor" and/or "In Memory" fields, based on your selection in the administrator:
To enabled Dedications:
- Open the Soapbox Donation form for which you wish to enable Dedications
- Click the Payment tab
- In the left column under Dedication, select Show for either or both "In Honor" of Donations and "In Memory" Of Donations
- To customize the text of the various Dedication headings and labels, click the Customize Headings and Labels button under Dedications
- To customize the text of the initial checkbox that appears on the form, edit Dedication Option
- To customize the "In Honor" radio button label, edit In Honor Label
- To customize the "In Memory" radio button label, edit In Memory Label
- To customize the dedication name field label and description appearing under the field, edit Dedication Name and Dedication Name Message
- To customize the dedication email field label and description appearing under the field, edit Dedication Email and Dedication Email Message
- Click Save
IMPORTANT NOTE: Soapbox Donations does not send any message to the individual identified in the dedication. This information is gathered to be used by your team to notify the individual to whom the gift was a tribute as you wish, in keeping with the wishes of the donor. You may choose to setup a workflow in Salesforce which automatically emails the individual on behalf of whom the gift was made - or you may wish to manually review each dedication to ensure quality control prior to emailing and mailing the honoree manually.