Creating and editing Donation forms
- Viewing and managing Donation pages in the administrator
- Unpublishing a Donations app page
- Playbook: creating peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns for annual community races
- How to receive donations from organizations using the Salesforce NPSP integration
- Prompting donors to change a one-time donation to a recurring monthly donation
- Using internal descriptions to distinguish between Donations pages
- Customizing Page Intro, Page Outro, and Form Footer for a Donations form
- Enabling, customizing, and requiring Contact Information fields
- Creating Predefined Amounts and displaying Custom Amount Field for a Donation form
- Sending confirmation emails to donors with the Donations app
- Sending donation notification emails to admins and staff with Donations
- Setting the default value for a Donations form in the administrator
- Enabling or disabling Apple Pay as a payment option for an individual Donation page
- Customizing headings and labels in Soapbox Donations
- Defining default values for standard or custom form fields on a Donations page using user-defined session variables
- Customizing the default Country in the Payment Information section for a Donations app page
- Customizing From Email Name, From Email Address, Reply-To Name and Rely-To Email for Donation page confirmation emails
- Customizing From Email Name, From Email Address, Reply-To Name and Rely-To Email for Donation page admin confirmation emails
- Customize payment submission button
- Creating and embedding a donations widget to display totals and transactions from a Donation page on a website
- Sending online donation notifications to Microsoft Teams
- Allow donor to cover transaction fee as part of their donation
- Accepting annual recurring payments with a Donations form
- Adding and updating a hero image to a Donation app page
- Enabling Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce to track conversion rates and other key metrics for Donation forms
- Enabling 360MatchPro integration for individual Donations app pages
- Hide Salesforce errors on the thank you page for an individual Donation form
- Display picklist field as a type ahead text field on a Donation form
- Displaying payment amount options as radio buttons or touch buttons
- Admin donation confirmation email merge fields