In the Donations app, you have the ability to create and automatically send a confirmation email to donors. In this email, you can include a number of variables, or merge fields, related to the payment.
Contact Information variables:
- {name}: Full name from Contact Information section
- {DonorFirstName}: First name only
- {DonorLastName}: Last name only
- {DonorEmailAddress}
- {DonorPhone}
- {DonorOrganization}
- {CustomField1}
- {CustomField2}
- {CustomField3}
- {CustomField4}
- {AnonymousDonation}: “Yes” or “No”
- {NewsletterSignUp}: “Yes” or “No”
- Salesforce fields used as custom fields in the Contact Information section can be used as merge fields. The format for these variables is {$StandardFieldName} or {CustomFieldName__c}. The Salesforce field name can be referenced in the Element column of the Custom Salesforce Fields section of the Contact Information tab of the Donation form.
- Microsoft fields used as custom fields in the Contact Information section can be used as merge fields. The format for these variables is {$msftprefix_fieldname}. The Microsoft field name can be referenced in the Element column of the Custom Microsoft Fundraising & Engagement Fieldssection of the Contact Information tab of the Donation form.
Payment Amount variables:
- {amount}: Transaction amount; does not include currency symbol
- {frequency}: “one-time”, “monthly”, or "annual"
Dedication variables:
- {TributeType}: “in honor of” or “in memory of”
- {TributeNotificationType}: “No notification,” “Notify by email,” or “Notify by mail”
- {TributeName}
- {TributeNotificationFirstName}
- {TributeNotificationLastName}
- {TributeNotificationEmail}
- {TributeNotificationMailingAddress}
- {TributeNotificationMailingCity}
- {TributeNotificationMailingState}
- {TributeNotificationMailingZipCode}
- {TributeNotificationMailingCountry}
- {TributeNotificationMessage}
Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Page variables:
- {FundraiserUsername}: Username of the Fundraiser who's Fundraising Page was used to process the donation
- {FundraiserFirstName}: First name of the Fundraiser who's Fundraising Page was used to process the donation
- {FundraiserLastName}: Last name of the Fundraiser who's Fundraising Page was used to process the donation
- {FundraisingPageURL}: URL of the Fundraising Page used to process the donation
- {FundraisingPageTitle}: Page Title of the Fundraising Page used to process the donation
Billing variables:
- {BillingFirstName}
- {BillingLastName}
- {BillingStreetAddress}
- {BillingCity}
- {BillingState}
- {BillingPostalCode}
- {BillingCountry}
General variables:
- {campaign}: The name of the Campaign associated with the donation, either from the Salesforce Campaign being selected by the admin or chosen by the donor OR the Microsoft Campaign selected by the admin
- {description}: Transaction Description set in form
- {designation}: The name of the Microsoft Fundraising & Engagement Designation chosen by the donor on a Donation page where Donor Chosen Designation is set to Yes. If the Designation name has been customized in the administrator, the customized name will be displayed rather than the name as it is in Microsoft Fundraising & Engagement.
- {TODAY}: Must be capitalized; renders in the format MM/DD/YYYY
- {NOW}: Must be capitalized; renders in the format MM/DD/YYYY
- {TOMORROW}: Must be capitalized; renders in the format MM/DD/YYYY
- {YESTERDAY}: Must be capitalized; renders in the format MM/DD/YYYY