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Displaying thank you pages or setting redirects with the Events app


With the Events app, you have the ability to customize thank you pages that appear after a registration is made or to redirect the payee to another page of your choice.

To define what is displayed after registration is successfully processed:

  • Open the Soapbox Event you wish to customize
  • Click the Messages tab
  • For the Redirect After Registration, if you wish to redirect the visitor to another page after registration has processed, either a) choose an article on your website by clicking the Select button and choosing from the available options; or b) enter a Custom Link, being sure to include http://www...

  • ForRSVP Confirmation Page Message, if you wish to display a thank you message after payment has processed:
    • For Page Title, enter text you wish to appear at the top of the thank you page
    • For Page Text, enter the message you wish to display on the thank you page. You can include images, embedded video and other elements that will appear on the thank you page just as you can with a content item. You can also include the following variables in curly brackets that reference details of their payment:
      • {name}: The First Name and Last Name of the ticket orderer, as provided in the Contact Information section of the registration form
      • {orderer_first_name}: The First Name of the ticket orderer, as provided in the Contact Information section of the registration form
      • {orderer_last_name}: The Last Name of the ticket orderer, as provided in the Contact Information section of the registration form
      • {eventtitle}: The title of the event
      • {starttime}: The start time of the event
      • {endtime}: The end time of the event
      • {startdate}: The start date of the event
      • {enddate}: The end date of the event
      • {amount}: The amount charged the ticket orderer for their reservation
      • {tickets}: The number of tickets reserved
      • {eventurl}: The url of the event details
      • {ticketslist}: An itemized list of tickets reserved for a given order to be displayed in the format:

        Ticket 1 Quantity x Ticket 1 Name = Total for Ticket 1
        Ticket 2 Quantity x Ticket 2 Name = Total for Ticket 2
        Ticket 3 Quantity...
        If a donation is made as part of the registration, it will be noted at the end of the itemized list of tickets:

        Ticket 1 Quantity x Ticket 1 Name = Total for Ticket 1
        Ticket 2 Quantity x Ticket 2 Name = Total for Ticket 2
        1 x Donation Option Title = $10

  • Click Save
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