Creating and editing Events
- Enable QR Codes for Digital Wallet in Events App
- Carding attacks and fraudulent testing of credit cards on Events app pages
- Viewing and managing Events in the administrator
- Setting an event as private in the Events app
- Creating tickets for your event
- Excluding registrations for a ticket from Event Capacity calculations
- Understanding the Events app calendar view
- Inserting a photo for an event details page
- Creating access codes for your event
- Automatically populating the first event ticket with orderer information
- Embedding Access Codes in URLs for ease of use
- Merge fields for use in the Events app's confirmation page, confirmation email and scheduled messages
- Sending event order notification emails to admins and staff with Events
- Limiting Ticket Purchase Quantity for Promo Codes
- Creating a parent event with required or optional sub-events
- Adding additional information on an event's registration view
- Enabling Microsoft integration and selecting a Dynamics Campaign, Event, and Designation for a Soapbox Event
- Adding custom questions from Microsoft to the Contact Information section of an Event registration form
- Adding custom questions from Microsoft to the Attendee Information form
- Creating regular expression (REGEX) custom validation rules for Event registration fields
- Customizing field validation requirements for standard fields in the Contact Information section of an Event registration
- Customizing field validation requirements for custom Salesforce fields in the Contact Information section of an Event registration
- Customizing field validation requirements for custom Salesforce fields in the Attendee Information section of an Event registration
- Customizing field validation requirements for standard fields in the Attendee Information section of an Event registration
- Adding custom fields from Salesforce to the Contact Information section of an Event registration form
- Conditionally show or hide custom Salesforce fields in the Contact Information section of an Event registration form
- Adding custom fields from Salesforce to Attendee Information form
- Conditionally show or hide custom Salesforce fields in the Attendee Information section of an Event registration form
- Allowing registrants to choose to accept, donate, or decline add-ons to a registration
- Showing or hiding custom Salesforce Attendee Information fields by specific Ticket Type