If you're finding that recipients are being taken to an "Authorization Required" page after clicking a trackable link in Soapbox Mailer, here's a few troubleshooting steps you can take to correct this situation.
1) Confirm that if your email was sent to a Contact, that the Contact has an Account related to it. If not, Salesforce considers Contact records without a related Account record a private record, meaning that Soapbox Mailer cannot access data from the Contact. To fix this, you'll need to have this Contact associated with an Account.
2) Confirm that the Soapbox Mailer Email Tracking Profile has proper access to your Email Links object.
a) Go to Setup > Platform Tools > User Interface > Sites and Domains > Sites
b) Click on the "Soapbox Mailer Email Tracking" link
c) Click on the Public Access Settings button
d) On the Soapbox Mailer Email Tracking Profile page, click on the Object Settings link
e) On the Object Settings page, click on the Email Links link
f) On the Email Links page, ensure that the page is filled out as required by the instructions in the Getting Started with Soapbox Mailer guide.
g) If you made changes, click the Save button, and test the result by clicking a trackable link in an existing email you've sent.
3) Confirm that your Email Link destination URLs start with "http://" or "https://". If your email links destination URLs start with "www" instead of the full "http://" or "https://", they will not work properly.
4) Confirm that the Soapbox Mailer Email Tracking Profile has proper access to your Campaign Members object.
a) Go to Setup > Platform Tools > User Interface > Sites and Domains > Sites
b) Click on the "Soapbox Mailer Email Tracking" link
c) Click on the Public Access Settings button
d) On the Soapbox Mailer Email Tracking Profile page, click on the Object Settings link
e) On the Object Settings page, click on the Campaign Members link
f) On the Campaign Members page, ensure that the page is filled out as required by the instructions in the Getting Started with Soapbox Mailer guide.
g) If you made changes, click the Save button, and test the result by clicking a trackable link in an existing email you've sent.
5) Confirm that the Soapbox Mailer Email Tracking Profile has proper access to your Campaign object.
a) Go to Setup > Platform Tools > User Interface > Sites and Domains > Sites
b) Click on the "Soapbox Mailer Email Tracking" link
c) Click on the Public Access Settings button
d) On the Soapbox Mailer Email Tracking Profile page, click on the Object Settings link
e) On the Object Settings page, click on the Campaign link
f) On the Campaigns page, ensure that the page is filled out as required by the instructions in the Getting Started with Soapbox Mailer guide.
g) If you made changes, click the Save button, and test the result by clicking a trackable link in an existing email you've sent.
6) Check your Campaign object's sharing rules
In order to show you the preview, your Salesforce user and Soapbox Mailer app needs to have access reading the Campaign object. Here's what you can do to make sure that's happening properly.
- Go to Setup > Settings > Security > Sharing Settings
- Under the Organization-Wide Defaults section, look for the Campaign object permissions. If the Campaign object has its Default Access listed as "Private", it means that by default, your Campaign object will not be accessible by Soapbox Mailer. Continue to Step 3. If it says anything else, you can skip the rest of this troubleshooting.
- In the dropdown list next to "Managing sharing settings for:", choose the "Campaigns" object.
- On the Campaigns sharing settings page, under the "Campaign Sharing Rules" section, click the New button.
- On the Campaign Sharing Rule page, enter the following information:
Label: Soapbox Mailer Campaign Sharing
Rule Name: Soapbox_Mailer_Campaign_Sharing
Campaign: owned by members of: All Internal Users
Share with: Group: Soapbox Mailer
Campaign Access: Read/Edit
- Click the Save button
- Go back to your Soapbox Mailer Campaign record, and click the Preview button to see if this process allowed you to view a preview of your email.
7) Check your Lead object's sharing rules
In order to show you the preview, your Salesforce user and Soapbox Mailer app needs to have access reading the Lead object. If your Lead object's organization-wide sharing rule is set to "Private", you'll need to take action. Here's what you can do to make sure that's happening properly.
- Go to Setup > Settings > Security > Sharing Settings
- Under the Organization-Wide Defaults section, look for the Lead object permissions. If the Lead object has its Default Access listed as "Private", it means that by default, your Lead object will not be accessible by Soapbox Mailer. Continue to Step 3. If it says anything else, you can skip the rest of this troubleshooting.
- In the dropdown list next to "Managing sharing settings for:", choose the "Leads" object.
- On the Leads sharing settings page, under the "Lead Sharing Rules" section, click the New button.
- On the Lead Sharing Rule page, enter the following information:
Label: Soapbox Mailer Lead Sharing
Rule Name: Soapbox_Mailer_Lead_Sharing
Lead: owned by members of: All Internal Users
Share with: Group: Soapbox Mailer
Lead Access: Read-Only
- Click the Save button
- Go back to your Soapbox Mailer email, and click the trackable link in the email to see if this process allowed you to view the link in question.
8) Check your Contact object's sharing rules
In order to show you the preview, your Salesforce user and Soapbox Mailer app needs to have access reading the Contact object. If your Contact object's organization-wide sharing rule is set to "Private", you'll need to take action. Here's what you can do to make sure that's happening properly.
- Go to Setup > Administration Setup > Security Controls > Sharing Settings
- Under the Organization-Wide Defaults section, look for the Contact object permissions. If the Contact object has its Default Access listed as "Private", it means that by default, your Contact object will not be accessible by Soapbox Mailer. Continue to Step 3. If it says anything else, you can skip the rest of this troubleshooting.
- In the dropdown list next to "Managing sharing settings for:", choose the "Contact" object.
- On the Contact sharing settings page, under the "Contact Sharing Rules" section, click the New button.
- On the Contact Sharing Rule page, enter the following information:
Label: Soapbox Mailer Contact Sharing
Rule Name: Soapbox_Mailer_Contact_Sharing
Contact: owned by members of: All Internal Users
Share with: Group: Soapbox Mailer
Contact Access: Read-Only
- Click the Save button
- Go back to your Soapbox Mailer email, and click the trackable link in the email to see if this process allowed you to view the link in question.
9) Check your Account object's sharing rules
In order to show you the preview, your Salesforce user and Soapbox Mailer app needs to have access reading the Account object if your Contact object's organization-wide sharing rule is set to "Controlled by Parent". If your Contact object's organization-wide sharing rule is set to "Controlled by Parent", you'll need to take action. Here's what you can do to make sure that's happening properly.
- Go to Setup > Settings > Security > Sharing Settings
- Under the Organization-Wide Defaults section, look for the Contact object permissions. If the Account object has its Default Access listed as "Private", it means that by default, your Account object (and therefore your Contact object when set to "Controlled by Parent" will not be accessible by Soapbox Mailer. Continue to Step 3. If it says anything else, you can skip the rest of this troubleshooting.
- In the dropdown list next to "Managing sharing settings for:", choose the "Account" object.
- On the Account sharing settings page, under the "Account Sharing Rules" section, click the New button.
- On the Account Sharing Rule page, enter the following information:
Label: Soapbox Mailer Account Sharing
Rule Name: Soapbox_Mailer_Account_Sharing
Contact: owned by members of: All Internal Users
Share with: Group: Soapbox Mailer
Account Access: Read-Only
- Click the Save button
- Go back to your Soapbox Mailer email, and click the trackable link in the email to see if this process allowed you to view the link in question.