You can review the Campaign Members for a Campaign by going to the Manage Members from the Campaign view. This allows you to view a paginated list of up to 200 per page.
If you wish to view an entire list of Campaign Members, either by any status or based on specific actions like Opens, Clicks, Unsubscribes, and Bounces, you can create a report to do so.
You can also take the extra step of adding a button to the Campaign layout so you can easily click through to see the report from any Mailer Campaign.
The following describes each step. For any additional questions, please review the Salesforce documentation.
Create a Report to display a list of Campaign Members for a given Soapbox Mailer Campaign:
Go to the Reports tab
Click the “New Report...” button
Under “Select Report Type”, click the plus sign next to Campaigns, then click once on the Campaigns with Campaign Members option, and click the Create button
For the Date Field range, choose “All Time”
Click the Add button next to “Filters” to add a filter on the Campaign field, with the operator “equals”, and the value field left blank, and click the OK button next to the new filter
- Add any additional fields by which you wish to filter your report
Add or remove any fields you wish in the report
Click Close button, then Save & Close in the popup window
Fill in the fields as you wish
Click Save button
Create a button for Campaigns to allow admins to quickly view a list of Campaign Members for an email
Go to Setup > Customize > Campaigns > Buttons, Links and Actions
Under Custom Buttons and Links, click the New button
Fill in the form as follows
Label: (enter a button label of your choosing)
Name: (center a name of your choosing)
Description: (enter a description of your choosing)
Display Type: Detail Page Button
Behavior: Display in New Window
Content Source: URL -
Add the following in the main textarea at the bottom of the page, replacing <<pod>> matches the Salesforce “pod” (typically something like “na14”) in your Salesforce web address, and replacing <<ReportID>> with the Salesforce ID for the Ticket List report you made earlier.
https://<<pod>><<ReportID>>?pv0={!Campaign.Name} -
Click Save button
Place the button on the Soapbox Mailer Campaign page layout to allow admins to quickly collect view a list of attendees for an event
Go to Setup > Customize > Campaigns > Page Layouts
Click the Edit link in the row containing the Soapbox Mailer Campaign Layout
Drag the new button to the Custom Buttons landing zone on the page layout
Click Save button