After clicking the Get It Now button from the AppExchange for Soapbox Mailer, some organizations may find that they receive an error message during the installation process saying that they cannot complete the installation. Here are two common scenarios people find.
Trying to install, but receive the following error message: "Your requested install failed. Please try this again."
"None of the data or setup information in your organization should have been affected by this error."
"If this error persists, contact Support through your normal channels and reference number: xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx (-xxxxxxxxxx)"
Here are a few items to check if you run into this situation.
1) Check your Salesforce edition
Soapbox Mailer only works with Enterprise and Unlimited editions of Salesforce. If you have an edition lower than Enterprise edition, you unfortunately won't be able to install Soapbox Mailer.
2) Confirm your trial version of Salesforce has the Site feature turned on
By default, when you are in a trial version of the Enterprise or Unlimited edition, Salesforce does not turn on the Site functionality. Since Soapbox Mailer requires this functionality, the installation process will fail. You'll know that you don't have the Site functionality installed if you receive an error message with a specific error code during the installation process (note: there won't be anything in the error message saying that the reason for the failure is due to the Site functionality not being installed, but rather just a generic numeric error code will be displayed). With this error code handy, contact either your Salesforce account executive, or open a support case with Salesforce, using the error code, and saying that you're trying to install the Soapbox Mailer app and are unable to install it. Also tell them that the Soapbox Mailer team has seen this in the past, and typically the simple fix for this issue is to enable the Site functionality for the trial version of the Salesforce Enterprise or Unlimited edition.
3) Contact support with the reference code
Trying to install, but can't seem to login during the installation process to a sandbox environment
1) Make sure you're using the right login
In this scenario, it's good to note that the sandbox login is different than your standard Salesforce account login. Check to make sure you're using the right login, and try again.
Happy emailing!