In case you need us to dive into your Salesforce org to troubleshoot a problem with you directly, Salesforce provides an option called "Granting Login Access". Through this service, you're able to specifically provide our Soapbox Support Team access to your Salesforce org. Note, this provides our team (or whichever team you grant this login access) full access to your selected Salesforce user.
Here's how to grant login access (and with it, full Salesforce access) to our PICnet support team.
- In Salesforce, click your name in the administrator header
- Click My Settings in the navigation drop down
- In the left column, click Personal
- Click Grant Account Login Access
- On the Grant Account Login Access page, under the Grant Access To column, find "PICnet Support". In that row, select the duration of time that you'd like to give us access to your Salesforce org for your current user (the user you're currently logged-in as)
- Click Save
- If you're currently working with the Soapbox Support Team, let us know that you've provided us login access.
Happy emailing!