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Why am I getting an Invalid Data error when creating campaigns?


If your Soapbox Mailer license has expired, or if you've terminated your license but haven't uninstalled Soapbox Mailer, you may experience the following error message when trying to create a new Campaign record from within Salesforce (or Soapbox if you are using our other tools): 

Error: Invalid Data. 
Review all error messages below to correct your data. 
• Validation Formula "sbx_EmailRequireSenderAddress" Invalid (Field 00NU0000003Itao is inaccessible. Please review all fields referenced by the formula. Context: common.config.entity.ValidationFormulaContext) 
• Validation Formula "sbx_EmailRequireSubject" Invalid (Field 00NU0000003Itaq is inaccessible. Please review all fields referenced by the formula. Context: common.config.entity.ValidationFormulaContext) 
• Validation Formula "sbx_EmailRequireTemplate" Invalid (Field 00NU0000003Itar is inaccessible. Please review all fields referenced by the formula. Context: common.config.entity.ValidationFormulaContext)


To fix this issue, you can take one of three actions:

1) activate your license by submitting a ticket to our sales team

2) disable the validation rules by going to Setup > Customize > Campaigns > Validation Rules, and simply deactivating all the Soapbox Mailer rules from there.

3) uninstall Soapbox Mailer completely, following the full instructions on how to uninstall Mailer here.

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