If your Soapbox Mailer license has expired, or if you've terminated your license but haven't uninstalled Soapbox Mailer, you may experience the following error message when trying to create a new Campaign record from within Salesforce (or Soapbox if you are using our other tools):
Error: Invalid Data.
Review all error messages below to correct your data.
• Validation Formula "sbx_EmailRequireSenderAddress" Invalid (Field 00NU0000003Itao is inaccessible. Please review all fields referenced by the formula. Context: common.config.entity.ValidationFormulaContext)
• Validation Formula "sbx_EmailRequireSubject" Invalid (Field 00NU0000003Itaq is inaccessible. Please review all fields referenced by the formula. Context: common.config.entity.ValidationFormulaContext)
• Validation Formula "sbx_EmailRequireTemplate" Invalid (Field 00NU0000003Itar is inaccessible. Please review all fields referenced by the formula. Context: common.config.entity.ValidationFormulaContext)
To fix this issue, you can take one of three actions:
1) activate your license by submitting a ticket to our sales team
2) disable the validation rules by going to Setup > Customize > Campaigns > Validation Rules, and simply deactivating all the Soapbox Mailer rules from there.
3) uninstall Soapbox Mailer completely, following the full instructions on how to uninstall Mailer here.