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Managing email notifications for bounces and complaints


If you want to receive email notifications upon any bounces or complaints to the sender selected for an email campaign, you can do so directly from Amazon SES.  Here's the steps to setting this up.

1) Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon SES console at

2) In the navigation pane, under Verified Senders, click Email Addresses or Domains, depending on whether you want to configure bounce, complaint, or delivery notifications for an email address or domain.

3) In the list of verified senders, click the email address or domain for which you want to configure notifications.

4) In the details pane of the verified sender, expand Notifications.

5) Click Edit Configuration.

6) In the Edit Notification Configuration dialog box, you can enable email notifications of bounces and complaints entirely by selecting Enabled for Email Feedback Forwarding.

Happy emailing!

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