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How do I test to confirm complaints are being handled properly?


When configuring Soapbox Mailer, you might find that you want to test to confirm that Soapbox Mailer, Salesforce, Amazon SES, and Amazon SNS are all working properly together to process complaints (spam reports).  That seems like a reasonable request, let's dive into the details!

1) Create and save a new Lead record in Salesforce, using any information you wish (have fun with it), so long as the email address is

2) Create a new Soapbox Mailer Campaign in Salesforce, and include the basics for the email campaign, like a sender, subject, HTML body, text body, etc.  Have fun with it too!

3) Add the new Lead above as a Campaign Member to the Campaign

4) Send the email campaign

5) Wait a few minutes, and then check to see if the Campaign Member has its Bounced field checked

That's it!  Happy email testing!

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