Boost recurring donations this giving season with the new upsell prompt!Learn How >>

Did you get the following error message when trying to delete campaign members: Sbm.sbx_EmailRollups: System.LimitException: Sbm: Too many query rows: 50001?


If you were trying to delete campaign member records and you ran into the error below:

Sbm.sbx_EmailRollups: System.LimitException: Sbm: Too many query rows: 50001

it is likely because you were trying to delete campaign member records from more than one campaign at a time.

This error means that the total number of campaign members that need to be queried in order to delete the designated campaign members is greater than 50,000.

To get around this limitation, simply delete campaign members from one campaign at a time. Or, if multiple campaigns have less than 50,000 members in aggregate you can still delete campaign members from multiple campaigns at once.

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