When a subsequent recurring payment is made for a recurring donation, Soapbox creates a Lead record for that payment, if you have setup notifications with your payment processor and Salesforce integration is enabled. The Soapbox Donations for Salesforce managed package will then attempt to convert that Soapbox Recurring Donation Payment Lead by matching it with an existing Opportunity of type Soapbox Recurring Donation that has the same Subscription Id. If no such Opportunity record is found, the Lead will remain as a Lead and its Rec Donation Payment Match Review Needed field is checked.
1) Original Soapbox Recurring Donation Lead record never converted
By far, the most common reason a Soapbox Recurring Donation Payment Lead record requires match review is because the original Soapbox Recurring Donation Lead record was marked for review itself and never converted. To see if this is the case, search for all open leads for a matching record. If one is found, convert the original Soapbox Recurring Donation Payment Lead following these steps. Then do the same for the Soapbox Recurring Donation Payment Lead record.
Once this is done, future subsequent Soapbox Recurring Donation Payment Lead records should convert automatically.
We highly recommend reviewing all open Leads on at least a regular monthly basis to manually convert any stuck Soapbox Recurring Donation Lead records so subsequent payments will convert automatically.
2) Original Soapbox Recurring Donation Opportunity record has its Subscription Id in the Transaction Id field
In some rare cases for Donations apps users with recurring donations beginning December 2015 or earlier, the Subscription Id may be contained in the Transaction Id field on the original Soapbox Recurring Donation Opportunity record. This is due to the original data model for the app. If this is the case, the autoconversion process for the Soapbox Recurring Donation Payment Lead record will not find a matching Opportunity.
To see if this is the case, use the Subscription Id of the Soapbox Recurring Donation Payment Lead record to search for Opportunity records with the same value in their Transaction Id field. If one is found, update the original Soapbox Recurring Donation Opportunity record's Subscription Id field and remove the value from the Transaction Id field. Then manually convert the Soapbox Recurring Donation Payment Lead record. Any future subsequent recurring donation payments will convert automatically.