Soapbox creates and maintains its connection with a Contact in Salesforce based on the Salesforce Id of that Contact. If you are doing data clean up in Salesforce by merging Contacts associated with Soapbox user accounts, you'll want to ensure that this connection between a Soapbox user account and its Contact isn't broken.
To do so, you can either:
- SUGGESTED METHOD: Select the Contact associated with the Soapbox user account as the Primary Contact in "Step 2. Select the values to retain" of the Merge My Contacts process in Salesforce; or
- ALTERNATE METHOD: Editing the Contact Id for the Soapbox user to match that of the merged Contact in Salesforce after the merging process is complete
Selecting the Contact associated with the Soapbox user account as the Primary Contact
The first row of the table in "Step 2. Select the values to retain" of the Merge My Contacts process is called Master Record. Selecting this for a given Contact will make its Contact Id the one which is retained at the end of the merging process, regardless of whether any other field is retained in the rest of the table.
If you are unsure which Contact is associated with the user in Soapbox, check out Finding the Salesforce Contact Id for a Soapbox user account and viewing the Contact in Salesforce below. Alternatively, if you are recording the last login date for a Soapbox user on their Contact, you can locate that field in the table in "Step 2. Select the values to retain" and see which Contact has it populated. That would be the one associated with Soapbox.
NOTE: If you do not see the Contact Id on the user record in Soapbox, submit a ticket and we'll be happy to add the field.
Editing the Contact Id for the Soapbox user post-merger
If you wish, you may edit the user account in Soapbox to associate it with a different Contact. First, you'll want to locate the Contact Id in Salesforce by following the instructions under Finding the Salesforce Contact Id for a record in Salesforce below. Then, to edit the Salesforce Contact Id for a Soapbox user account:
- Go the User Manager in Soapbox
- Find the user account in question in the User Manager list
- Click the User Name to edit that account
- Scroll down to the UserMeta section of the edit view
- Enter the Contact Id in the Contact Id field
- Click Apply
- Confirm that the new Id has been saved, but with three extra characters on the end (see 15- and 18-Digit Contact Ids below for the explanation)
NOTE: If you are unable to edit the Contact Id in Soapbox, submit a ticket and we'll be happy to grant access to do so.
Finding the Salesforce Contact Id for a Soapbox user account and viewing the Contact in Salesforce
To locate the Salesforce Contact Id for a Soapbox user account:
- Go to the User Manager in Soapbox
- Find the user account in question in the User Manager list
- Click the User Name to edit that account
- Scroll down to the UserMeta section of the edit view
- View the Id located in the Contact Id field
If you wish, you may copy this value and, within Salesforce, append it to the end of the URL for the your Salesforce instance to view the Contact. The end result would look like one of these, depending on your domain setup in Salesforce:
- https://{salesforce_pod}
- https://{custom_domain}
Finding the Salesforce Contact Id for a record in Salesforce
To locate the Id for a Contact in Salesforce, open that Contact record and view the URL in your browser. The Id will be the portion of the URL after the final slash (/) like this, depending on your domain setup in Salesforce:
- https://{salesforce_pod}
- https://{custom_domain}
15- and 18-Digit Contact Ids
Salesforce has two versions of its Ids for every record, including Contact records: a 15-digit case-sensitive version and an 18-digit case-insensitive version. Soapbox uses the 18-digit version whereas the Id in the URL string for a Contact uses the 15-digit version by default. Each will work perfectly well in both instances, though, with the 18-digit version displaying the proper Contact in Salesforce and the 15-digit version connecting with the proper Contact from Soapbox if it is entered in the Contact Id field for the user. In fact, if a Soapbox record is edited to use the 15-digit version, it will automatically be translated to the 18-digit version in Soapbox.