If you used one of the payment processors with which we integrate prior to adopting Soapbox for your online donations or manually created a subscription directly with your payment processor when using Soapbox, you can maintain recurring donation subscriptions within your payment processor and have subsequent payments populate Soapbox and Salesforce.
Once you've ensured your Salesforce packages are up-to-date and your payment processor configured to send notifications, you can prepare both Soapbox and Salesforce to onboard those notifications properly by doing the following:
- Create a Soapbox Engage Donations app page to associate all these recurring donations, and connect it to a Salesforce Campaign
- IMPORTANT: Ensure that the Donation app page is configured to accept recurring donations
- Enter initial recurring donation records as Offline Transactions in the Soapbox Donations app for the subscriptions whose subsequent payments you wish to onboard into Soapbox and Salesforce
- Create records for the recurring donations in Salesforce
1. Enter initial recurring donation records as offline transactions in Soapbox Engage
For each recurring donation you wish to receive automated payment notifications, create an Offline Transaction record in Soapbox.
Alternative approach:
If you would prefer to, our professional services team can import initial recurring donation records in bulk. Please submit a ticket with details of how many subscriptions you wish to import and we can offer a quote.
If you choose to have us import your initial recurring donations, we will ask you to provide a spreadsheet with the following columns and data.
- Donor Name: Full name of donor
- Donor Email: Email of donor, if available
- Donation Amount: Amount of recurring donation
- Transaction Date: The date of the most recent transaction for the recurring donation or the date of the expected start of the Subscription
- Transaction ID: The transaction ID from the payment processor for the most recent payment on the subscription, if one has been processed
- Subscription ID: The subscription ID from the payment processor.
- For Braintree, the Subscription Id needs to be formatted as customer-ID:subscription-ID.
- For iATS, the Subscription Id is the Customer Code.
- Frequency: ("Annual", "Monthly")
- Recurrence Day of the Month: (in DD format)
- Next Payment Date (in MM/DD/YYYY format)
- Payment Card Expiration Month: (in MM format)
- Payment Card Expiration Year: (in YYYY format)
- Payment Card Last 4 digits
- Payment Card Brand ("Visa", "MasterCard", "Discover", or "AMEX")
- Soapbox Engage Donations App Page ID
Please allow one week for us to process spreadsheet submissions. We will notify you in the ticket thread when the process has been completed. Once it is done, you will see these records noted in the Transactions view in Soapbox, and Soapbox will be prepared to receive subsequent recurring payment notifications and post them to Salesforce.
2. Creating records for recurring donations in Salesforce
To successfully onboard and auto-convert the Leads to be created for subsequent recurring payment notifications in Salesforce, you will need to:
- Create Contact and Account records for each recurring donor
- Create Opportunity records of type Soapbox Recurring Donation representing each subscription; and
- Create a Recurring Donation record and associate it with the Soapbox Recurring Donation Opportunity, if using the Salesforce.org Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP)
- Associate the Opportunity with the Recurring Donation record, in using the Salesforce.org Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP)
a. Creating Contact and Account records for each recurring
If you do not currently have your recurring donors in your Salesforce instance as Contacts and associated Accounts, add them.
b. Creating Opportunity records for each subscription
Create an Opportunity (aka Donation) record for each subscription with Opportunity Record Type "Soapbox Recurring Donation," associating it with the appropriate Contact and Account. If doing so directly in the Salesforce interface, as opposed to a data upload tool, and you use the NPSP, you may wish to do so from the Contact record by clicking the New Contact Donation button at the top of the Opportunities related list.
When creating the Opportunity, populate the fields as follows:
- Opportunity Name: To follow Soapbox naming conventions, use "[Donor Name] - MM/DD/YYYY - Recurring Donation" where MM/DD/YYYY represents the date of the latest transaction, or the date the subscription was created if no transactions has been processed
- Amount: Enter $0 if you have an existing record representing this transaction in Salesforce or you are entering data for a subscription that has not had a transaction processed yet. If no transaction record exists in Salesforce, you may enter the value of the donation.
- Stage: Select "Closed Won" or "Posted" to designate this as a closed Opportunity
- Close Date: Enter the date of the latest transaction, or the date the subscription was created if no transactions has been processed
- Subscription ID: The subscription id from the payment processor.
IMPORTANT NOTE: For Braintree, the Subscription ID needs to be formatted as customer-ID:subscription-ID - Transaction ID: The transaction ID from the payment processor for the initial payment on the subscription, if one has been processed
Any additional fields you wish to populate are entirely at your discretion.
NOTE: If a Opportunity Record Type other than Soapbox Recurring Donation, Lead records created for future subsequent recurring donation payments will not auto-convert.
c. Creating Recurring Donation records, if using the NPSP
When creating the Recurring Donation, populate the fields as follows:
- Recurring Donation Name: To follow Soapbox naming conventions, use "[Donor Name] - [Amount] - MM/DD/YYYY" where MM/DD/YYYY represents the date of the latest transaction, or the date the subscription was created if no transactions has been processed
- Contact or Organization: Enter either (but not both) the Organization or Contact with which you wish to associate this Recurring Donation. In most cases, you will elect to associate it with the Contact rather than the Organization.
- Amount: The amount of the recurring donation
- Open Ended Status: Select "Open", presuming the subscription has no end date set in the payment processor
- Date Established: It is recommended that you enter the date used as the Close Date for the Opportunity created above
- Next Donation Date: Enter the date of the upcoming subsequent recurring donation payment
- Installment Period: Select the frequency of the recurring donation. In most cases, this will be monthly.
- Schedule Type: Select "Multiple By"
- Click Save
d. Associating the Opportunity with the Recurring Donation record, if using the NPSP
After creating the Recurring Donation record, edit the Opportunity you created earlier and select the Recurring Donation record for the Recurring Donation field.