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Why are there no quantity options for a ticket in the drop down of the Qty column for a registration form?


If you have an event where a given Ticket Type has no options in the drop down located the Qty column of a registration form, as shown in the example below for the Member ticket, it is likely an issue with the Minimum Tickets and Maximum Tickets for the Ticket Type:


Specifically, it is likely the the Minimum Tickets parameter has a value greater than that for the Maximum Tickets parameter.

To resolve this:

  • Open the Soapbox Event in question
  • Click the Edit tab
  • Click the edit icon to the right of the Ticket Name experiencing the issue
  • In the add/edit ticket modal popup, review the values for Minimum Tickets and Maximum Tickets and adjust as needed
  • Click Save for the ticket
  • Click Save for the Event


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