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Allowing administrators to log-in as front-end portal users



This exciting release allows administrators to login as front-end users from within the administrator. This can help you better understand visitors' experience when accessing your site through the user portal and perform actions as that user on their behalf.

In other words, if your site has a front-end user portal, you can login as a front-end user, essentially assuming their identity, from the administrator. When logged in as the front-end user, you have the ability to see and do anything that user is able to see and do, such as register for an event on their behalf, process a donation, or update the credit card used for a recurring donation.

Happy Soapboxing!



  1. Allow selected administrators to be able to login as external users on the front-end of a Soapbox Engage account

How-To Articles

  1. Logging in as a front-end user from the administrator

  2. Setting the Redirect After Login URL for administrators logging in as front-end portal users

  3. Will the Last Visit Date be updated when an administrator logs in as a front-end user?

  4. Will the last login be updated in Salesforce when an administrator logs in as a front-end user?

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