Boost recurring donations this giving season with the new upsell prompt!Learn How >>

New Popup Type for Donations Modal Views



This major release can change the way you fundraise through your website! Now, you can create a new popup type that automatically opens a Donations Modal form on your site. This means you can perfectly time a donations ask to appear as a popup on any page of your website.

This release will help you make donating as lightweight and straightforward as possible for your supporters, meaning fewer barriers to giving and more money raised for your cause!

View the release announcement for Donations Modals:

Happy Soapboxing!



  1. Ability to create a new popup type to point to Donations Modal UX views 

How-To Articles

  1. Viewing and managing Popups in the Soapbox administrator

  2. Creating a Custom Popup Takeover in the Soapbox administrator

  3. Creating a Donations Popup Takeover in the Soapbox administrator

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