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Required Salesforce fields to ensure future recurring donation payment matches


When the Soapbox Engage Donations app processes future recurring payments from a recurring donation series, it queries Salesforce's Opportunity object for existing recurring donations to match.  To properly automate the process of matching / creating Opportunity records related to a recurring donation series, the following need to be in place in the Salesforce org.


  1. One Opportunity record, representing the first in the series of recurring donations
    1. Notes
      1. Any future Opportunity records are optional
      2. The Opportunity record Stage value does not matter
  2. One Recurring Donation record, representing the series of recurring donations

Field Values

The following fields are required to be populated within Salesforce's Opportunity and Recurring Donation objects to ensure Soapbox Engage is able to successfully match to the correct series of donations in Salesforce.

  • Opportunity
    • Recurring Donation (npe03__Recurring_Donation__c)
    • Subscription ID (Subscription_Id__c)
  • Recurring Donation
    • Installment Amount (npe03__Installment_Amount__c)
    • Installment Frequency (npsp__InstallmentFrequency__c)
    • Installment Period (npe03__Installment_Period__c)
    • Next Donation Date (npe03__Next_Payment_Date__c)
    • Open Ended Status (npe03__Open_Ended_Status__c)
    • Recurring Type (npsp__RecurringType__c)
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