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How to regain access and edit a checked-out (locked) event


The Events app manager gives the administrator access to viewing all the events within the account.  Soapbox Engage includes a check-out / check-in system for events, ensuring that two different users do not make edits to the same event at the same time.  When an event is checked-out, it will display a padlock icon in the Events manager view, and the user will be unable to view or edit the event.

To access an event that has been checked-out, an administrator can globally check-in all checked-out items in a Soapbox Engage account.

  1. Login to the Soapbox Engage administrator.
  2. In the upper-right, click on the gear icon and click "Global Check-in".
  3. Go to the Events app, and confirm the event(s) no longer have a padlock, and are accessible to edit.
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