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Understanding the Events app calendar view


At Soapbox Engage, we understand the importance of managing and showcasing your events seamlessly. Our Events app empowers organizations to effortlessly display a calendar of events. Here’s a list of features for this view.


Menu items for calendar view

Menu items are created in the background anytime you create an event. In the case of an event calendar, you can create one specifically to display a calendar view allowing seamless integration into website navigation.

Access level and visibility

You can set the access level of the calendar to be publicly viewed by any front-end user, or you can choose to only allow logged in users to view.

Filtering options

By way of taxonomy terms, you can enable the filter feature where the front-end user can navigate through different views. For example, you may have classes or educational events you’d like to display exclusively when clicked, and taxonomy terms can do that! You’re also able to display a calendar of events that matches one specific taxonomy term.

Customized links

With the option just mentioned to display a calendar matching one taxonomy term, you can create a custom link for that to apply anywhere you’d like (other pages, emails, taxonomy terms, etc.) With custom links you can also send users to a specific calendar month!

Handling recurring events

The calendar feature only displays the first occurrence of a repeating event. This ensures a view isn’t overwhelmed if your organization has say, 50-100 classes repeating on a daily basis.


  1. Ensure Soapbox Events is enabled for your Non-Profit Soapbox site.
  2. Add a menu item to display a calendar view
  3. Create taxonomy terms if planning on using filters

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