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Resolving missing events in Events app's upcoming events view



Soapbox Engage's Events app enables organizations to create display events on an upcoming events view.  Sometimes, visitors viewing the upcoming events view might not see events that should be displayed to them.

Here’s some potential causes and solutions for solving this problem.


Possible causes and solutions

1. Missing taxonomy terms for the event

Each Events app event has the ability to be tagged with one or multiple taxonomy terms.  Additionally, the upcoming events view can be customized to display only events that are associated with specific taxonomy terms.  It is possible that an event does not include a taxonomy term required by the upcoming events menu item.


  1. Login to the Soapbox Engage administrator.
  2. Navigate to the event in question.
  3. On the event's page, go to Edit tab > Taxonomy section, and note the taxonomy terms associated with the event.
  4. In a new browser tab, go to the Soapbox Engage administrator > Menu Manager > Hidden Menu > Upcoming Events menu item.
  5. On the Upcoming Events menu item, in the Parameters Advanced module, note the terms associated with the menu item (if any).
  6. Confirm that the taxonomy terms for the Event are included in the Upcoming Events menu item.


  1. Add the appropriate taxonomy terms to the event that are also included in the Upcoming Events menu item.

Additional help

If this article didn't help solve the problem, please create a new support ticket, and include the following details:

  1. Overview of the problem
  2. URL of the page in question
  3. Screenshot (including the address bar) or video showing the problem
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