For a custom picklist Salesforce Element that you include on the Attendee Info form of an Event, you can elect to replace the standard picklist field type with a type ahead text field. Rather than rendering the field as a picklist with visible options displayed in a drop down list that opens when clicked on by the visitor, the type ahead version appear as a text field and then offers options that match what the visitor begins to type:
The type ahead option is most helpful when a picklist has many values and they are commonly known.
To set a picklist Salesforce Element to appear as a type ahead text field:
- Open the Event containing the custom picklist Salesforce Element you wish to update
- Click the Attendee Info tab
- Scroll down to the Custom Salesforce Fields section
- Click the edit button of the picklist Salesforce Element
- For Type Ahead, choose Yes
- Click Save for the modal popup
- Click Save