If your site has Salesforce integration enabled to connect it to your Salesforce instance, you can include fields of your choice from the Lead object in Salesforce in the Contact Information form section. These fields will appear below the standard fields in the Contact Information section.
To add fields from the Lead object to a given Event registration form:
- Login into the administrator
- If you have recently added the field to the Lead object in Salesforce, click the Clear Cache icon in the header of the administrator. This will refresh data about your Salesforce instance and let Soapbox know you have added a new field.
- Open the Event to which you wish to add your custom field
- Click the Reservation Info tab
- Scroll down to the Custom Salesforce Fields section
- Click Add Salesforce Element to the right of the page
NOTE: For an Event registration form to work properly, you cannot add one of the standard Event registration fields as a Custom Salesforce Field. For instance, if you wish to include the Phone field, you must do so using the field in the Reservation Info tab > Contact Fields section rather than hiding it there and adding it to the Custom Salesforce Fields section. - In the popup, for Salesforce Field, choose the desired field you added to your Salesforce instance
- Confirm that the Type of field is identified after you have select your field from the drop down
- If you have chosen a Boolean field, for Checkbox, choose whether you wish this to be displayed as a checkbox (Yes) or as a radio button group (No). For Require True to Submit, you may also designate that the user checks the box in order to submit a registration. This is ideal for reservations requiring the acceptance of terms and conditions.
- For Label, enter the text you wish to display to the visitor
- For Default Value, if you wish, enter text you wish to appear when the visitor first opens the form. If you have select a picklist field, make sure that your default value matches an existing picklist option in Salesforce. If you have selected a Boolean field, use false or true, as defaults.
- For Tooltip, enter text you wish to appear when a visitor mouses over the label of this field
- For Field Size, designate if the width of the field should be Large, Medium, or Small
- For CSS Keywords, enter keywords you wish to use to customize the display of this field in the attendee form. The following groups of CSS Keywords are available as options, each one of the group applied to a single field. They divide the horizontal space available to the form into fractions noted in their names:
- leftHalf rightHalf
- leftThird middleThird rightThird
- leftFourth middleFourth rightFourth
- leftFifth middleFifth rightFifth
- For Published, choose whether or not you wish to display this field to visitors
- For Required, choose whether or not you wish to require this field
- For Hidden, choose whether or not you wish to include this field on the form but not display it to the visitor. This is helpful if you wish to include a Default Value that is passed as a value to the Salesforce record which is created.
- For Access Level, choose whether you wish this field to be available to anyone or only to logged in users.
- Click Save
Once you have added the Custom Salesforce Fields, you may wish to reorder them among the Custom Salesforce Fields section.
Note: Mapping a checkbox type field from the Lead object to the Contact object is not currently possible due to Salesforce limitations. Using a picklist with Yes and No has been used successfully as workaround.
See also: What limits exist for custom Salesforce fields on event pages?