Boost recurring donations this giving season with the new upsell prompt!Learn How >>

Setting the default value for a Donations form in the administrator


With the Donations app, you can set a default donation amount for a given form. This amount can either be a predefined donation amount that is selected when the page loads or, if the amount doesn't match a predefined donation amount, entered in the custom amount field amount with the Other option selected when the page loads.

The amount can either be a one-time payment or recurring payment.

To define the default value for a form:

  • Open the Donations form you wish to edit
  • Click the Payment tab
  • Under Payment Frequency, enter the desired amount in Default Value
  • If you wish the default value to use a recurring donation amount, make sure that Selected by Default is chosen for Recurring Payments in the Recurring Payment section. If you wish the default value to use a one-time donation amount, either make sure that Selected by Default is chosen for One-Time Payments in the One-Time Payment section or make sure that neither One-Time Payments nor Recurring Payments has Selected by Default chosen.
  • Click Save

Default Amount Overridden by URL Parameter

If a link to a Donation form includes a URL parameter that defines a default value, the default value in the URL parameter will override any default value set in the administrator. This allows you to personalize ask amounts in direct emails to constituents, regardless of whether or not a default value exists in the administrator for a Donation form.


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