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Team Fundraising Added to Peer-to-Peer Donations in Soapbox - and More!



With a series of Soapbox updates from the start of the year, we've added support for Teams in the Donations app peer-to-peer fundraising add on. Now, you can empower your supporters to self-organize into powerful crews to raise money and further your mission!

In addition, we enhanced functionality in the Donations > Transactions view, granted access a new Orders details view in Shop, improved the design of various system emails, and more.

Here's a full breakdown of the updates made to Soapbox since the start of 2020:

Donations app

  • Added support for Teams to be displayed on the front-end of Soapbox as part of the peer-to-peer fundraising add on
  • Added ability for a front-end user to create a Team as part of a peer-to-peer fundraising campaign, if the administrator has enabled teams
  • Added ability for a Team Captain to edit their Team as a logged in front-end user
  • Added ability for a front-end user to join a Team when creating a Fundraising Page as part of a peer-to-peer fundraising campaign, if the administrator has enabled teams
  • Added the ability to display Teams on the main peer-to-peer Donation form page for a campaign
  • Allowed a front-end user to search for a Team on the main peer-to-peer Donation form page for a campaign
  • Added the ability for Soapbox to create a Salesforce Campaign record for a new Team and associate any Fundraising Pages created for that Team as child Campaigns in Salesforce
  • Added ability for a front-end user to select an existing Team when creating a Fundraising Page from the main peer-to-peer Donations form page
  • Added ability for admin to set the sorting of Teams on the main peer-to-peer Donations form page
  • Added ability for an admin to unpublish or delete a Team in the administrator
  • Applied the new standard HTML template to emails sent to fundraisers when they create a peer-to-peer Fundraising Page
  • Optimized the Donations > Transactions view to facilitate the searching and displaying of larger numbers of transactions
  • Updated the Export Transactions option so that it applies the filter set in the Donations > Transactions view to the records being exported, allowing the administrator to select a subset of the total transactions based on filter criteria they choose
  • Added Last 180 Days as an option for filtering Transaction records by date
  • Added an option in the Donations > Configuration that allows an administrator to set the default time period filter for the Transactions view to Last 180 Days

Events app

  • Resolved an issue preventing event shopping cart payments to be made using the Stripe Payments processor plugin
  • Resolved issue with the display of the {amount} merge field in email confirmations sent after Events app shopping cart purchases that included more than one class
  • Resolved issue created when a registrant included an apostrophe in an Attendee Information field with a site using the Events app shopping cart
  • Resolved an issue that prevent the automatic closing of the Request Access modal popup for events limited to invitees

Shop app

  • Granted access to administrators to view the Orders detail view. View details >>

User Integration

  • Applied the new standard HTML template to web user activation emails sent when visitors register for front-end user accounts
  • Applied the new standard HTML template to emails sent when a front-end user registers for a new website user account that doesn't require activation
  • Updated the subject and text of the new web user activation email to make it more concise
  • Replaced the simple URL string with a Verify Account button in the new web user activation email to add clarify and improve design
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