The Events app integrates with Zoom so that you can associate a Soapbox Event with a Zoom Meeting or Webinar and have registered attendees of a Soapbox Event automatically created as Zoom registrants. This will create personalized Zoom Meeting or Webinar links for each attendee.
You have a number of options for sharing these personalized Zoom Meeting or Webinar links with event participants.
In Zoom, you can choose to enable email confirmations to be sent to each registrant.
In Soapbox, you can do any of the following:
- Use the Standard email template for event confirmations to registrants which automatically includes a section entitled Virtual Meeting Details for any event associated with a Zoom Meeting or Webinar. This will include all personalized Zoom Meeting or Webinar links.
- Use the {webinarattendeelinks} merge field in an event confirmation email body whether you are using the Standard or Custom email template.
- Use the {webinarattendeelinks} merge field in scheduled emails whether you are using the Standard or Custom email template. Scheduled emails can be sent to any of the following groups:
- All Orderers
- All Ticket Holders
- All Orders and Ticket Holders
- Ticket Holders by Ticket Type
- For those using the shopping cart option in the Classes app, the {ordersummary} merge field will automatically include personalized Zoom registrant links when used in the confirmation page and confirmation email