With the Donations app, you have the ability to embed a widget that shows the donations made for a given Donation page or peer-to-peer donation campaign on a site of your choosing. This widget can show the total donations made through that page in addition to the individual donations themselves and it updates in real-time as new donations are made.
To create the embeddable widget:
- Open the Donation page for which you wish to create an embeddable widget
- Click the Intergration tab
- Go to the Donation Stream Widget section
- For Enable, choose Yes
- For Allowed Domains, if you wish to restrict the widget for use on a specific site, enter the domain of the site on which you wish to embed the widget. If you wish to do so on more than one site, enter each separated by a comma. If you wish it to be used anywhere, leave this field blank.
- For Display Test Donations, choose Yes or No
- For Display Offline Donations, choose Yes or No. Choosing Yes will cause any donations you add directly in the administrator on the Donations > Transactions tab to be included in the stream.
- For Display Total Donations Amount, choose Yes or No, depending on whether you wish the total for the Donation page to be included at the top of the widget
- For Widget Height, enter the height of the widget in pixels
- For Number of Donations, enter the number of transactions you wish to display in the widget. Donations will appear in reverse chronological order with the most recent first.
- For Code, copy the contents. You will use this to embed the widget on your intended page.
- Click Save
Use the embed code generated by Soapbox to include it in your web page of choice.