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Understanding how event capacity is enforced from Salesforce


In the Events app, you can set Event Capacity for each event. Soapbox will then enforce that capacity based on the number of attendees registered through Soapbox. In some instances, though, you may be accepting reservations offline and entering them directly in Salesforce so that you have more registered attendees than are reflected in Soapbox.

To account for this, you can also choose to enable Soapbox to check a field value for the Salesforce Campaign with which an event is associated and compare that to the Event Capacity for a given event to determine if an event should still accept registrations. This can be done by setting app-wide defaults in the Events > Configuration as well as by enabling this feature on an event-by-event basis.

When this feature is enabled, the following will occur:

Soapbox will display event availability on all search, browse, and event detail views based on the number of attendees in Soapbox. For instance, if an event has an Event Capacity of 100 and 56 tickets have been reserved through Soapbox, the event will be shown as available.

When a visitor submits a registration for an event, Soapbox will check the Salesforce Campaign field value to determine if that value is equal to or greater than the Event Capacity for the event in Soapbox.

If the field value in Salesforce is less than the Event Capacity value in Soapbox, the registration will be processed. For instance, if the above event has an Event Capacity of 100 with 56 tickets reserved through Soapbox and a Salesforce field value of 85, the visitor's registration will be processed.

If the field value in Salesforce is equal to or greater than the Event Capacity value in Soapbox, the registration will not be processed and the visitor will be shown the event capacity message. For instance, if the above event has an Event Capacity of 100 with 56 tickets reserved through Soapbox and a Salesforce field value of 105, the visitor's registration will not be processed.

In addition, if an event is determined to be at capacity based on the Salesforce Campaign field value, the Force Event Capacity parameter for the event will be set to Yes. This will mean that the event will be shown as at capacity and unavailable on all search, browse, and event detail views.

It is important to note that, if you cancel or otherwise remove tickets for a Campaign in Salesforce so that it is no longer at capacity, you will need to manually edit the event in Soapbox to set Force Event Capacity to No to allow visitors to register.

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