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Why do I see the error "...INVALID_ID_FIELD, Specified Contact must be parented by specified Account"?


If you see the following error message on the Transaction detail view in the administrator for a subsequent recurring donation or during the manual Create Lead process in the Transactions view, it is likely caused by the Salesforce Opportunity representing the initial recurring being associated with a different Account than Account of the Primary Contact in the Salesforce Nonprofit Success Pack:

  Salesforce Error: sbxd.sbx_DonationsRecurringPaymentLead: execution of AfterInsert caused by: System.DmlException: ConvertLead failed. First exception on row 0; first error: INVALID_ID_FIELD, Specified Contact must be parented by specified Account: [] (sbxd)

To resolve this issue, find the earliest Closed Won Opportunity with a Subscription Id value that matches the subsequent recurring donation with the error. Compare the Account associated with this Opportunity and the Account associated with the Primary Contact. They will likely be different. This may be difficult to notice at first because they may both be Household Accounts of the same name.

If they are different, reparent the Opportunity to use the Account of the Primary Contact. If they are two duplicate Accounts, you may wish to merge the two.

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