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Improved Stripe Integration and Recurring Donation Payment Management


With this release, integration between Soapbox and Stripe is even more seamless. The release provides admins with the ability to view updated status of a Stripe recurring donation in Soapbox. It also automatically updates the subscription status for Stripe subscription when Soapbox receives cancellation notice via Stripe webhook. Similarly, if an admin cancels a recurring donation in Soapbox, the Stripe payment processor is updated as well.

Happy Soapboxing!


  1. Update subscription status for Stripe subscription when Soapbox receives cancellation notice

  2. View updated status of a Stripe recurring donation in Soapbox

  3. Cancel a recurring donation in Soapbox so that the Stripe payment processor is updated

How-To Articles

  1. Viewing and managing Subscriptions in the administrator

  2. Automatically updating Subscriptions in Soapbox as Cancelled when they are Cancelled in Stripe

  3. Cancelling a Stripe Subscription in the Soapbox administrator

  4. Setting a Subscription as Cancelled in Soapbox after it is Cancelled in Stripe

  5. Creating a webhook with Stripe to receive recurring payment notifications

  6. Updating an existing Stripe webhook to record subscription cancellations in Soapbox

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