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Why do donors see "The users password has expired, you must reset the password before attempting to use these features." error message on a donation confirmation page?



After a visitor complete a donation and is redirected to the confirmation page, in certain circumstances the user might see the following error message at the top of the screen.

The users password has expired, you must reset the password before attempting to use these features.

Here’s some potential causes and solutions for solving this problem.


Possible causes and solutions

1. Salesforce credentials used by Soapbox Engage are no longer valid

It is possible that Salesforce credentials used by Soapbox Engage are no longer valid, often due to password expiration.  Confirm that the Salesforce username, password, and security token are still valid.


  1. Log in to the Salesforce org using the Salesforce user used by Soapbox Engage.
  2. Confirm that login was successful.  If the login was successful, skip to the next potential cause.
  3. If the login was not successful, or if the password needed to be changed (or was changed recently), move to the Fix step.


  1. Update the Salesforce user's password.

  2. Check the email inbox associated with the Salesforce user to find a new Salesforce security token sent from Salesforce after the password update.

  3. Log in to the Soapbox Engage administrator.

  4. On the Control Panel page (homepage of the administrator), on the right side of the screen, expand the Settings module.

  5. In the Settings module enter the updated Salesforce Username, Salesforce Password, and Salesforce Security Token values.
  6. Click the Save Salesforce Account Settings button

  7. Read more about adding or updating your Salesforce credentials to your Soapbox Engage account in the support article Add your Salesforce Account Credentials to Your Site.

  8. Read more about security best practices in the support article Best Practices for Salesforce User Accounts, Security Tokens and Password Settings.


Additional help

If this article didn't help solve the problem, please create a new support ticket, and include the following details:

  1. Overview of the problem
  2. URL of the Soapbox Engage Donations app page in question
  3. Screenshot (including the address bar) or video showing the problem
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