Troubleshooting the Shop app
- Why isn't a product appearing when I try to add it to store?
- Can a store visitor choose their own price for a product?
- Why are credit card fields styled differently than other fields on Shop app pages?
- Are rejected credit card transactions stored in the Soapbox Engage Shop app or Salesforce?
- Shop confirmation emails are getting marked as spam
- Why was a confirmation email sent but no payment received when using PayPal Standard with Shop?
- Why do I see the error "Salesforce Error: invalid cross reference id" after submitting a Soapbox Shop order?
- Why do I see the error "...CampaignMember: execution of AfterInsert...'udd_HotOrganization' missing" with Soapbox Shop?
- Confirmation email from Shop purchase was never received
- Why are my images breaking in my Shop confirmation emails?
- Why do I see Salesforce State and Country picklist errors on confirmation pages for Soapbox Shop?
- Why do I see the error "REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, accountId must be specified if contactId is not null" for Soapbox Shop?
- Why does my converted Soapbox Shop Opportunity have the wrong Record Type?
- Why are there unconverted Soapbox Shop Leads that aren't flagged for match review and have no Campaign associated with them?
- Is there a promo code feature for the Shop app?
- Why do I see "Error: Invalid Data...PricebookEntryId, unknown..." when attempting to convert a Lead in Salesforce?