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Massive update to Shop for Variant and Inventory Management


This major release takes the Soapbox Engage Shop app capabilities to new heights for the shopping cart experience, allowing you to display variants of a product in your online shop as well as track inventory for all products and variants.

Upgrades to the Front-End User Shopping Experience

With this release, we have introduced the idea of product variants. Any sort of attribute for a “parent product” is considered a variant for that product. For instance, a t-shirt you are selling for your organization may have variants depending on size, color, and style/fit. Now, when an end-user goes to purchase this t-shirt, they will see dropdown picklists to select from the variant options available.

Variant-specific product images

The variant images allows you to assign a different product image for each individual variant. For instance, if an end-user selects a size L t-shirt, color green, men’s fit, one image will display for the user. If they then return to the color variant picklist and switch the color to purple, a new product image will display. Or if they switch the fit to women’s but keep the other variant fields the same, a new product image will display. This adds clarity to the user’s purchasing experience. If no variants are selected, the default image for the parent product is what will display on the page.

Quantity dropdown and inventory management

If inventory management is enabled for a product with variants, the quantity dropdown option only appears to an end-user once they have selected an option for all variants available. In the case of the t-shirt, a user will have to select a size, color, and style/fit before the quantity dropdown will appear. This allows for accurate inventory tracking for all product variants and ensures a user won’t be able to purchase a product that is not available/will only be able to select a quantity number that is available for the particular product variant they have chosen.

The quantity can be specific to each variant. With each product, you are able to turn inventory tracking on or off. You can set a specific quantity for each variant. If an option is not available, the variant will appear greyed out to the end-user.

Available inventory reflects both the totals remaining in the product database as well as the items currently in the user’s cart. This prevents a user from adding the available quantity of a product to their cart multiple times so that it won’t be oversold.

Unique pricing per variant

Pricing can also be unique to a variant. For example, if the t-shirt is available in black, white, and tie dye, you could choose to increase the price for the tie dye variant option. The price is updated after the user has selected the variant to reflect the price for the individual variant.

Use of Salesforce custom fields

This release does not affect your ability to use custom Salesforce fields with these product variant options. Custom fields will appear once an end-user has selected an option for each of the variant fields.

Enhancements to the Administrator Experience

With this release, we have added a number of views in the administrator of the Soapbox Engage Shop app. You have a greater level of control when it comes to product and inventory management, and these changes have allowed this management to feel more intuitive.

Expanded Product view

On the add/edit product view in the administrator, you now have the ability to enable or disable inventory tracking as well as variants for a product. If variants have been enabled, additional options will be presented for defining up to three variant options for the product (e.g., size, color, fit) and editing the individual product variants created from those options.

New Inventory view

The inventory view allows you to see all products and product variants for which inventory has been enabled. You are able to filter and sort product and product variants by several elements including by availability so that you can easily see which items are out of stock.

From the Inventory view, you can also easily update available inventory. When doing so, you can:

  • Add to current value of a product. For instance, if you have 35 t-shirts in your inventory and you receive a box of 100 new t-shirts, you can add 100 to the inventory to reflect 135 t-shirts.

  • Set the value. You can also simply set a new value for the inventory from this view.

Happy Soapboxing!


  1. Allow for the creation of variants of products in the Shop app

  2. Allow for accurate inventory tracking of all products and variants in real-time

How-To Articles

Inventory Tracking

Product Variants

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