Defining defaults in the Configuration for Events
- Viewing and editing app-wide Configuration settings for Events
- Enabling Household Attendee Registration for logged in users
- Restricting Zoom integration to specific Zoom users
- Editing existing integrations with Zoom to track attendance in Soapbox and Salesforce
- Customizing the Matching Validation Error Message shown to front-end visitors
- Customizing defaults across the Events app for headings, labels, descriptions, tooltips and display of reservation fields
- Understanding the Standard email template in the Events app
- Setting the default email subject, template, and Custom template body
- Selecting the Zoom App Type for your Events app integration and switching from JWT to Server-to-Server OAuth
- Connecting the Events app to a Server-to-Server OAuth app in your Zoom account
- Connecting the Events app to a JWT app in your Zoom account
- Setting the default value for showing or hiding tickets based on Begin Sales and Sales Expiration Date values on Event Details pages
- Attaching an ICS file to an event registration email confirmation so registrants can easily add it to their calendar
- Setting the default time zone automatically selected for new events you create
- Hide Salesforce errors on thank you pages for all Events by default
- Display a login prompt to anonymous front-end users on event detail and registration pages
- Reorder event detail view sections for all events in the Events > Config
- Setting how optional donations are saved to Salesforce
- Enforcing event capacity based on the number of registered attendees for a Campaign in Salesforce
- Enabling State and Country Picklists in the Events app for Salesforce integration